20 March, 2008

Maybe I'm Not

Maybe I'm not who you want me to be
Maybe I'm not who I want me to be
But at least I know who I am
I'm not your cookie-cutter teen
I'm not, in any way, the American dream
Someone once told me to live for the now
Actually a lot of people did
But I don't live for the now
I live for me. I stand for me
So what if I messed up my past?
I can't fix it. All I can do is learn from it
And I am
So what if my future isn't even set in butter?
I can't arrange it
All I can do is live my life day to day
Making the best of what I am
Maybe I'm not who you want me to be
Or who I want me to be
But try not to forget
That under all that "imperfection"
I'm still me

Jesster Ketchupp

I write for the same reason I breathe, it's the only thing keeping me alive...

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