04 March, 2008

Come Home, Sweet Angel

They say that home is where the heart is,
But where is your heart?
How can you call what you have a home,
If no one's ever there?
Lonely, broken.
That can't be all there is to offer.
There has to be something more.
Something I'm missing.
But I'm missing quite a lot.
A family.
My family.
The point.
And for what?
I want to be anyone but me.
Lost, scared.
It's a big world.
And a lot can go wrong.
Is going wrong.
So perfectly, this image.
Play the part,
Actors are liars.
Puppets with organs.
Blood, heart, brain.
But no soul.
No soul, they haven't felt it.
Been there, done that.
Said the wrong thing.
And gotten the souvenir to prove it.
Above the hazy skies,
The stars fade to black.
Thinking no one notices anymore.
Remind me, so I'll never forget.
How good we had it.
Bring me back into oblivion.
Into reality, scorching, biting.
Keep me away from my memories,
Because I'll kill them ,
If it's the last thing I do.
They hurt ,
And there's nothing I can do,
But destroy them.
And my future.
But it's better than hurting.
These tears still fall daily,
Or rather, nightly.
I can't stop them,
They control me.
How could one little act,
Define me for eternity?
Your eternity.
Not mine.
Yet I'm still paying,
Still crying,
Still remembering,
Still killing.
destruction takes its toll,
On the demolition man.
Tiny little correctors.
That I accept so willingly.
Stop the pain,
Destroy me,
My darkest moments.
Let me be alone.
Let me wallow, drown.
Sinking deeper,
Maybe it'll be the same,
Better than being worse,
If only for a moment.

Jesster Ketchupp

I write for the same reason I breathe, it's the only thing keeping me alive...

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